Savina Ventilator Manual
Read and Download Drager Savina Ventilator Manual Free Ebooks in PDF format - PHET SIMULATION PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT ANSWERS USA TEST PREP MATH ANSWERS. Technical Service Manual Babylog 8000/8000SC/8000 plus Intensive Care Ventilator. Tion/Service Manual may be performed by qualified service personnel only. You just clipped your first slide! Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips.
Savina 300 Ventilator Service Manual
. Airway pressure measurements: Peak pressure, plateau pressure, mean airway pressure, PEEP 0 -100 mbar (cmH2O).
Drager Savina Ventilator Manual
Minute volume (MV): Total MV, spontaneous MV 0 to 99 L/min, BTPS. Tidal volume VT: Inspiratory VT, expiratory VT 0 to 3999 mL, BTPS. Breathing frequency: Total and spontaneous breathing frequency, 0-150 bpm. Inspiratory O2-concentration: 21 to 100 Vol.%. Breathing gas temperature: 18 to 48°C (sensor optional). Curve displays: Airway pressure / time, flow / time.
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Ventilation ratio (I:E): 150:1 to 1:150.