Opertators Manual John Deere Lawn Tractor Model 287707

Find the user manual you need for your lawn and garden product and more at ManualsOnline. Automobile Parts Manuals. John Deere Lawn Mower Manuals. Photos &Features; Operator's Manuals; Maintenance Schedule; Diagnose &. Model: RT99 LTLawn Tractor; Engine: Briggs & Stratton752B0197E114.5 HP.

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Repair Manual John Deere Lawn Mower

Well, I removed the shroud & oil dipstick, the wires seem to go under the flywheel. (Canguy: there is nothing by the carburator) From the picture, I assume the regulator must be under the flywheel?

I did not want to remove the flywheel!! Without a battery, I measured 6v. DC and 30v AC (at he battery terminals) It just dawned on me that the 6 volts must have been sufficient to keep the fuel solenoid open as the mower kept on running when I removed the battery. Also, I assume that if the solenoid was shorting and loading the generator down, I would not have measured 30V AC.

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