World War 2 Study Guide Answer Key
World War II Study Guide. What did U.S. Factories mainly produce during World War II? Airplanes, tanks, ammunition. When did the United States enter World War II and why? Study ALL the VOCAB WORDS on your vocab sheet. PDF Episode 2 Study Guide. Mass production and job opportunities prompted by the First World War draw African Americans to northern cities like Chicago.
Part Three: Life in the ETO Some Thing(s) to Think About While Reading Chapter 10: Night on the Line. Throughout the book, Ambrose frequently compares and contrasts fighting conditions in World War II to those of the Civil War. Changes in technology between the American Civil War and WW II were dramatic; how did this impact the life of the average soldier in combat during World War II? 251-252). What were some differences between trenches used in World War I and World War II? How did these differences affect morale? 254).
Read the quote by Lt. Otts regarding foxholes on page 257. What does this reveal about some differences between the American and German armies?
257). Why were American GIs threatened with court-martial if they developed trench foot? 259). Pay close attention to the stories of the wounded on pages 260 - 262.
What do they tell you about the various reactions to life on the line? 260-262).
Historically, America is an immigrant nation. How did this fact help Pvt. Gus Schroeder it the middle of the ETO during World War II? 268) Chapter 11: Replacements and Reinforcements. How did the heavy losses from Normandy impact the potential of the 'individual' replacement method?
273-274). How did the need for more replacements affect the American Specialized Training Program (ASTP)?
274-275). What famous author was once part of the ASTP program?
275). Replacement or reinforcement referred to the same individuals. Why was the name changed? In your opinion, did this change have any benefit?
275-277). Did age have anything to do with being considered a combat veteran? 278-285). What did the replacement system mean for front-line units? (The whole chapter, especially pages 273 and 289.) Chapter 12: The Air War. In what way was life easier for airmen as opposed to infantry on the front-line during WW II?
290). How was life more difficult for the airmen? 290). What was the main goal of the air war? 291).
Why were there so many sergeants in the Air Force? 293). General Quesada of the Air Force flew along on a P-47 mission using radar he had developed. How did his “visit' affect future missions? How did this differ from the experience of front-line soldiers with their generals? 305-306).
Generally, was the youth of airmen a negative or positive factor? (The whole chapter.) Chapter 13:: Medics, Nurses, and Doctors. What was a common trait among medics? 312). How did the attitude of GIs towards medics change from training to combat?
311-314). Was the Red Cross symbol worn by medics always respected? 315-318). Was the experience of medics in the ETO the same as that of medics in the Pacific? 315).
Why was there a shortage of nurses in the Army Nurses Corps during World War II? 322). Why was there a quota on the number of African-American nurses who could serve?
World War 2 Study Guide Answer Key
Key Facts and Terms No-Man's-Land - unoccupied space between two armies along a front during war. Rear echelon - any troops, posts, or headquarters behind the front. American Specialized Training Program (ASTP) - program intended to fund the education of the brightest draftees. Replacement (reinforcement) - soldier brought to the front to replace a casualty.
World War 2 Study Guide Answer Key
Mae West - nickname for an inflatable life vest carried by airmen. Conscientious objector - someone who, for religious, ethical or moral reasons, either refuses to take part in combat or war at all.