Study Guide Sofe Property
Introducing the Prime Network Soft Properties Manager This chapter describes the Prime Network Soft Properties Manager. In addition, it provides a brief explanation of terms used throughout this guide. Topics include:. Note Changes to the registry should be performed only with the support of Cisco. For details, contact your Cisco account representative. Additional information about soft properties is available on the About the Soft Properties Manager Prime Network provides deep autodiscovery and maintains a live model of the network.
Study Guide Sofe Property Management
This model is based on Cisco's Device Component Modeling (DCM) architecture, in which each NE is modeled as an interconnected hierarchy of Device Components (DCs), both physical (for example, cards and ports) and logical (for example, forwarding tables and profiles). Each DC maintains a set of properties, which contain its actual data (such as status, configuration, or performance). When interacting with northbound clients, the DCM information is translated internally into IMOs, Cisco's TMF513-based Northbound IMO, which is the public language of the Prime Network system with external systems. The Prime Network property management framework enables you to extend (in runtime) the system's coverage and capabilities in two areas:. Soft Properties—Extending the NE data collection and modeling by adding new properties to the DCs, and assigning them to NE MIB variables.
The new soft properties are also automatically added to the Northbound IMO. Alarm Thresholds—Assigning various types of alarm conditions to soft properties. All property definitions and parameters are maintained in XML metadata in the registry.
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To ease the definition process, Prime Network provides a friendly, simple-to-use GUI that guides you through the definition and testing process, and hides the underlying XML definitions. Soft Properties By default, Prime Network VNEs model a subset of the device properties, which cover the most important and commonly used properties. Prime Network offers the Soft Properties mechanism to enable user-configurable extension of device modeling, which can cover any unsupported MIB variable. This enables adding new monitored NE properties in runtime to the default set of supported properties. The Soft Properties mechanism enables quick adaptation to new software upgrades and new requirements that arise during ongoing operation and deployment. It provides the field engineer with the ability to adapt the currently installed Prime Network software to changes in the deployed network. Every Soft Property is implemented through a set of definitions that determine how to retrieve, parse, and display a certain MIB variable from the NE.
The definition process is done through a simple GUI utility, and does not require system restart. Soft properties are retrieved from the NE using SNMP or Telnet/SSH. For example, consider the case where the Prime Network system monitors the port parameters of an ATM switch, and the operator installs a new software version on the switch that is capable of reporting the bit error rate (BER) for each of the ports. Since this capability was not supported in previous software versions of the NE, the Prime Network VNE might not support the property. To avoid the need for a new VNE from Cisco, the Soft Property mechanism enables you to immediately support the new BER feature in the currently installed version. Alarm Thresholds The main positioning of Prime Network is as a mediation layer between the network and the operational and business support systems.
As such, it abstracts the physical network and provides a generic, vendor-neutral network model, with a consistent information model and interface. Prime Network also provides you with the ability to leverage its live network model for intelligent data processing within the mediation layer. This ability enables Prime Network to conduct advanced processing in areas such as fault correlation, root-cause analysis, impact analysis, and activation design and validation. It also enables Prime Network to provide processed information to the applications in the upper tiers. Finally, it enables Prime Network to enhance application functionality, while dramatically reducing the application's complexity and the uploaded data volumes.
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Alarm thresholding is one of the major areas in which Prime Network can boost its northbound clients. With this mechanism, Prime Network constantly monitors selected properties and generates an alarm every time these properties cross a user-defined threshold or violate a condition. This eliminates the need for OSS/BSS applications to constantly upload huge amounts of data and process it. Instead, Prime Network filters out irrelevant data, and sends only meaningful notifications.
Basic Concepts and Terms. Managed Element—Anything managed by the system; usually a component managed by the VNE, such as a device. Network Element (NE)—A user-named physical component or device existing in the network. Virtual Network Element (VNE)—A virtual representation of a single network element as a modeled component. VNEs all communicate with each other to present Cisco network service management applications with a single, common device abstraction for network element discovery, configuration, status collection, fault analysis, and other basic network (FCAPS) functions. VNEs can be extended to support new application functionality.