Leap Writing Scoring Guide

  1. Rubrics
  2. Ode Writing Scoring Guide

Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System MCAS Student Work/Scoring Guides This page provides access to each released essay item, constructed-response item, open-response item, and writing prompt included on the MCAS tests from the last five years; the scoring guide that accompanies each item; and samples of student work at each score point for the item. Taken together, the items, the scoring guides, and the corresponding student work provide a picture of the expectations for student performance on the MCAS tests. Select a year below to view the test questions, scoring guides, and student work from that year.


Holistic scoring guide

Select Year: Scoring Guides for ELA Composition Below you will find the scoring guides for the ELA Composition that are used to score student responses to writing prompts in the areas of Topic/Idea Development and Standard English Conventions. The scoring guides are used for the grade 10 Composition and the retests, and were used for the compositions at grades 4 and 7 through 2016.


Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) created this fact sheet to provide parents. The LEAP tests are just one of several indicators, in combination with report cards. Students will not receive a score report for their performance on the field test, but the results. Math, and writing questions your child will be answering. Air conditioning troubleshooting.


Ode Writing Scoring Guide

Last Updated: September 15, 2017.

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