96 Toyota Camry Repair Manual Power Windows
1996 Toyota Camry Power Window Wiring Diagram you are welcome to our site, this is images about 1996 toyota camry power window wiring diagram posted by Maria Nieto in Toyota category on Jul 24, 2018. You can also find other images like wiring diagram, sensor location, fuel pump location, starter location, control module location, parts diagram, replacement parts, electrical diagram, repair manuals, engine diagram, engine scheme, wiring harness, fuse box, vacuum diagram, timing belt, timing chain, brakes diagram, transmission diagram, and engine problems. Good day dear reader. In the current new period, all information concerning the growth of technology is incredibly easy to obtain. You can discover a variety of reports, suggestions, content articles, all over the world in just secs.
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. FOREWORD This wiring diagram manual has been prepared to provide information on the electrical system of the 1994 TOYOTA CAMRY. Applicable models: SXV10 Series MCV10 Series For service specifications and repair procedures of the above models other than those listed in this manual, refer to the following manuals. INTRODUCTION This manual consists of the following 11 sections: Section Description INDEX Index of the contents of this manual.
INTRODUCTION Brief explanation of each section. HOW TO USE Instructions on how to use this manual. THIS MANUAL TROUBLE– Describes the basic inspection procedures for electrical circuits. SHOOTING ABBREVIATIONS Defines the abbreviations used in this manual.
HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL This manual provides information on the electrical circuits installed on vehicles by dividing them into a circuit for each system. The actual wiring of each system circuit is shown from the point where the power source is received from the battery as far as each ground point. HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL. The system shown here is an EXAMPLE ONLY. It is different to the actual circuit shown in the SYSTEM CIRCUITS SECTION.: System Title: Indicates the wiring color.: Indicates a Relay Block. No shading is used and only Wire colors are indicated by an alphabetical code.
The Relay Block No. Is shown to distinguish it from the = Black = Blue R = Red J/B. HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL SYSTEM OUTLINE WITH THE IGNITION SW TURNED ON, THE CURRENT FLOWS TO TERMINAL 3 OF THE POWER WINDOW MASTER SW, TERMINAL 2 OF THE POWER WINDOW CONTROL RELAY AND TERMINAL 8 OF THE POWER WINDOW SW THROUGH THE DOOR FUSE. DRIVER’S WINDOW “MANUAL UP”.: Explains the system outline.: Indicates values or explains the function for reference during troubleshooting.: Indicates the reference page showing the position on the vehicle of the parts in the system circuit. Example: Part “P4” (Power Window Master SW) is on page 21 of the manual. The letter in the code is from the first letter of the part, and the number indicates its order in parts starting with that letter. HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL The “Current Flow Chart” section, describes which parts each power source (fuses, fusible links, and circuit breakers) transmits current to.
In the Power Source circuit diagram, the conditions when battery power is supplied to each system are explained. The ground points circuit diagram shows the connections from all major parts to the respective ground points.
When troubleshooting a faulty ground point, checking the system circuits which use a common ground may help you identify the problem ground quickly. The relationship between ground points (, and shown below) can also be checked this way. TROUBLESHOOTING VOLTAGE CHECK Establish conditions in which voltage is present at the check point. Example: – Ignition SW on – Ignition SW and SW 1 on – Ignition SW, SW 1 and Relay on (SW 2 off) Using a voltmeter, connect the negative lead to a good ground point or negative battery terminal, and the positive lead to the connector or component terminal. FINDING A SHORT CIRCUIT Remove the blown fuse and disconnect all loads of the fuse. Connect a test light in place of the fuse.
Establish conditions in which the test light comes on. Example: – Ignition SW on – Ignition SW and SW 1 on –.
TROUBLESHOOTING HOW TO REPLACE TERMINAL (with terminal retainer or secondary locking device) PREPARE THE SPECIAL TOOL HINT: To remove the terminal from the connector, please construct and use the special tool or like object shown on the left. DISCONNECT CONNECTOR DISENGAGE THE SECONDARY LOCKING DEVICE OR TERMINAL RETAINER. For Waterproof Type Connector HINT: Terminal retainer color different according to connector body.
Example: Terminal Retainer: Connector Body Black or White: Gray Black or White: Dark Gray Gray or White: Black “Case 1” Type where terminal retainer is pulled up to the temporary lock position (Pull Type). TROUBLESHOOTING Push the terminal retainer down to the temporary lock position. Release the locking lug from terminal and pull the terminal out from rear.
INSTALL TERMINAL TO CONNECTOR Insert the terminal. HINT: Make sure the terminal is positioned correctly. Insert the terminal until the locking lug locks firmly.
Insert the terminal with terminal retainer in the temporary lock position. ABBREVIATIONS ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations are used in this manual. = Anti–Lock Brake System ACIS = Acoustic Control Induction System = Air Conditioning = Automatic Transmission COMB.
1993 Toyota Camry Repair Manual
= Combination = Coupe = Electronic Control Unit = Electronic Fuel Injection = Exhaust Gas Recirculation = Electronic Spark Advance = Except = Fusible Link. GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS BATTERY Current flow causes a headlight HEADLIGHTS Stores chemical energy and filament to heat up and emit light.
SINGLE converts it into electrical energy. A headlight may have either a FILAMENT Provides DC current for the auto’s single (1) filament or a double (2) various electrical circuits. Basically, an electrically RELAY SPEAKER operated switch which may An electromechanical device be normally closed (1) or 1. NORMALLY which creates sound waves from open (2).
CLOSED current flow. Current flow through a small coil creates a magnetic field which either 2. RELAY LOCATIONS Engine Compartment Instrument Panel. Body Sedan Coupe Wagon. RELAY LOCATIONS: J/B No.
Toyota Camry Repair Guide
1 Instrument Panel Left (See Page 18). J/B No. 1 Inner Circuit.
RELAY LOCATIONS: J/B No. 2 Engine Compartment Left (See Page 18). J/B No. 2 Inner Circuit.
RELAY LOCATIONS: J/B No. 3 Behind Combination Meter (See Page 18) J/B No. 3 Inner Circuit. 1 Left Kick Panel (See Page 18): R/B No. 4 Right Kick Panel (See Page 18).
RELAY LOCATIONS: R/B No. 5 Engine Compartment Left (See Page 18) (for 1MZ–FE): J/B No. 6 Behind Glove Box (See Page 18) (for 5S–FE).: R/B No. 7 Near The Battery (See Page 18).
ELECTRICAL WIRING ROUTING Position of Parts in Engine Compartment 1MZ–FE 2 A/C Triple Pressure SW (A/C Dual and Single Pressure 1 Front Airbag Sensor LH 2 Front Airbag Sensor RH 3 A/C Magnetic Clutch and Lock Sensor 3 Front Clearance Light LH 4 ABS Actuator 4 Front Clearance Light RH 5 ABS Actuator. Position of Parts in Engine Compartment 1MZ–FE 1 Idle Air Control Valve (ISC Valve) 1 Noise Filter (for Ignition System) 2 Igniter 4 Injector No. 1 1 Oil Pressure SW 5 Injector No. 2 6 O/D Direct Clutch Speed Sensor 6 Injector No. ELECTRICAL WIRING ROUTING Position of Parts in Engine Compartment 5S–FE 1 A/C Condenser Fan Motor 1 EGR Gas Temp.
Sensor 2 A/C Triple Pressure SW (A/C Dual and Single Pressure 2 Electronic Controlled Transmission Solenoid 3 Electronic Controlled Transmission Solenoid 3 A/C Magnetic Clutch and Lock Sensor 4 Engine Coolant Temp. Position of Parts in Engine Compartment 5S–FE 1 Headlight Hi LH 1 Oil Pressure SW 2 Headlight Hi RH 2 Oxygen Sensor (Sub) 3 Headlight Lo LH 3 Oxygen Sensor (Main) 4 Headlight Lo RH 5 Horn LH 1 Park/Neutral Position SW (Neutral Start SW) (A/T) 6 Horn RH 1 Radiator Fan Motor 1 Idle Air Control Valve (ISC Valve). 14 ABS ECU C 16 Cruise Control ECU 15 Airbag Squib (Steering Wheel Pad) 16 Air Inlet Control Servo Motor 3 Data Lik Connector 2 (TDCL (Toyota Diagnostic 17 Air Vent Mode Control Servo Motor Communication Link)) 18 Ashtray Illumination.